est. 1988 in Fort Collins, CO
Designed and manufactured to give years of dependable service, the Larick 410 will shape and sand a wide variety of workpieces. Features include a 6” wide feed chain with four staggered rows of hold down tires. Front adjusting handwheels with digital readouts for horizontal and vertical shaper. Variable speed for shaper, sanders, and feed featuring digital floating heads are optional which allow shaping and sanding of arched panels. The user friendly design makes setup and profile changeovers quick and easy.

Designed and manufactured to give years of dependable service, the Larick 410 will shape and sand a wide variety of workpieces.
Features include:
6” wide feed chain with four staggered rows of hold front adjusting handwheels with digital readouts for horizontal and vertical shaper
Variable speed for shaper, sanders, and feed featuring digital readouts for speed and load
Floating heads are optional which allow shaping and sanding of arched
panels. The user friendly design makes setup and profile changeovers quick and easy.