Today’s users expect maximum availability and efficiency from their compressors, regardless of size.
SX series rotary screw compressors meet all of these needs and more. Not only do they deliver more
compressed air for less power consumption, but they also combine ease of use and maintenance with
exceptional versatility and environmentally responsible design.

Wurth Part #

More air for your money: Kaeser’s engineers have signifi cantly boosted the performance of SX series compressors compared to previous models. This impressive feat has been achieved both through airend optimisation and the minimisation of internal pressure losses. Therefore, depending on drive the power, these enhancements have resulted in a free air delivery increase of up to 14 percent.
Energy-saving performance: The efficiency of a machine depends on the total costs incurred throughout the equipment’s entire service life. With compressors, energy costs account for the lion’s share of total expenditure. Kaeser therefore designed its SX series compressors with optimum energy effi ciency in mind. Refi nements to the energy-saving SIGMA PROFILE irend have signifi cantly increased the performance of these versatile compressors. The addition of the SIGMA CONTROL 2 internal controller and Kaeser’s unique cooling system have helped to push the boundaries of efficiency even further.
Optimised design: The SX models all share logical and user-friendly design throughout. For example, the left-hand enclosure panel can be removed in a few simple steps and allows excellent visibility of the system’s intelligently laid out components. Needless to say, the new SX series was designed to ensure best possible access to all service points. When closed, the sound-absorbing compressor enclosure keeps operational sound levels to a minimum thereby ensuring a pleasantly quiet work environment. In addition, the enclosure features four inlet openings for separate airfl ow cooling of the compressor, the motor and the switching cabinet and for compressor intake air. Last, but not least, SX series compressors are impressively compact, which makes them the perfect choice for applications where space is at a premium.
Modular system concept: SX series compressors are available as standard versions, as so-called “T” models that are equipped with an integrated, thermally shielded refrigeration dryer and as “AIRCENTER” models that additionally include an underslung air receiver (see right). Kaeser’s intelligent modular design therefore offers incredible flexibility.